Major Stakeholders
These Images represent the major stakeholders in the Bartlett Area Chamber of Commerce. From our Sustaining Members that provide the BACC with a strong foundation to the Pinnacle Members that comprise our largest investors; these companies provide the building blocks that create a successful Chamber. These membership levels constitute the BACC Board of Advisors.
PINNACLE SPONSORS are the champions of the chamber and the community. Their level of support is unparalleled due to their strong belief in working to ensure the long term prosperity of the entire area. Pinnacle Investors support the BACC in a majority of functions including membership services, economic development , and event sponsorships.
STRATEGIC PARTNERS are engaged leaders of the community who provide the resources and guidance necessary to ensure long term prosperity for all citizens in Bartlett and Northeast Shelby County.
CENTER STAGE SPONSORS are industry exclusive and the chief underwriters of Membership Services. Their investment ensures that the BACC maintains a viable program for the membership to grow and prosper.
ENCORE SPONSORS are sustaining members or economic investors who see the value of going beyond their membership dues by investing in chamber sponsorships and events that are most in line with their goals and objectives.
SUSTAINING MEMBERS are premier businesses of the community and constitute the beginning investment level as part of our elite Board of Advisors.