Benefits of Chamber Membership
Being a member of the Bartlett Chamber means more than being an advocate for the community. You are also an advocate for your business. The BACC offers many opportunities for your company to promote itself throughout the year in chamber and community activities.
Networking Opportunities
Ambassador’s Club: As the public relations arm for the BACC, this core group of volunteers is among the first to greet new businesses in the area with Ribbon Cuttings and Grand Opening events. See more by clicking here.
Chamber Mixer: Business After Hours is a popular socializing and networking event held quarterly at various member locations.
Committee Participation: The BACC depends upon volunteers to aid in implementing the Chamber’s mission by serving on committees and councils. Committees are an excellent way to develop important contacts and discover what’s going on in the community.
Membership Luncheons: The Chamber Membership meetings are held the second Thursday of the month from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM. Featured speakers address business and community-related topics and is a great way to network with fellow members.
For more information contact the BACC at:
Advertising Opportunities
The Bartlett Chamber offers many opportunities for our member businesses to promote themselves to fellow members and the general public. One effective way is through advertisements in our select mediums.
Insights Magazine 2022-2023
Insights Magazine: The primary marketing tool used for newcomers, businesses and existing residents. This publication also houses the Membership Directory and is distributed within the Northeast Shelby County community. 10,000 are published each fall with an estimated 100,000 readership.
Bartlett Regional Map: The only street map for Bartlett & Northeast Shelby County is included in all relocation and prospect packages. The map is also distributed free to all members, newcomers and existing residents. Five thousand are printed bi-annually. One of the least expensive yet effective advertising opportunities available to businesses.
Relocation Packets: The premier information source regarding the communities of Northeast Shelby County. Packet contains Insights Magazine, the Regional Map and other useful information provided to hundreds of inquiries annually.
For more information contact the BACC at:
Activities & Sponsorships
Annual Chamber Banquet: This once-a-year fun event is exclusively for members and their guests; cocktails, excellent food, music, a silent auction, and good company make this the Chamber’s “go-to” event.
BACC Stakeholders Golf Tournament: Held once a year as a tribute to our economic development Strategic Partners, this activity not only gets you away from the daily grind but provides some networking and friendly competition.
Bartlett Business Expo: This one-day event, held in March/April allows businesses to showcase their products and services. On average about 1500 consumers attend. It’s a great way to introduce your product to the membership and the general public.
Holiday Heroes: One of the Chamber’s more personally rewarding activities, this annual holiday event for children at Youth Villages offers an opportunity for members to sponsor a child at Christmas and to interact with that child at a gift-giving party.
Industry Appreciation Picnic: Each year the Bartlett Area Chamber shows its appreciation for the primary industries that make up the economic foundation of Northeast Shelby County by hosting a picnic on their behalf. Employers and employees mix and mingle as chamber volunteers serve up a traditional American picnic.
Bartlett Christmas Festival: This event is designed for regional artisans to showcase their products to local consumers during the peak of the Holiday season. Traditionally held inside the A. Keith McDonald Pavilion inside Bartlett’s Freeman Park.
For more information contact the BACC at:
Affinity Programs are a win-win for your company, the membership, and the Chamber of Commerce. They are designed to offer attractive discounts to members which ultimately helps you enhance your sales.
Bartlett Education Foundation provides grants to teachers within the Bartlett City Schools for classroom projects and materials not funded under the normal school budget. The Foundation is chartered as a 501(c) (3).
Business Referral Service: The Chamber refers only current members to the hundreds of requests made yearly.
Councils & Committees: The BACC utilizes Councils and Committees to address current business issues. Members are encouraged to participate in one or more focus areas, which include: Economic Development Initiative – Vision 20/20, Primary Industry Council, Public Policy Review Committee, Retail & Hospitality, Community Development, special events, and others. Is there an issue or initiative you think the BACC should address or support? Give us a call to discuss.
Leadership Bartlett: This program educates and challenges participants to the needs of the community, by enhancing leadership skills, and expanding business and personal relationships. It also provides developing leaders with a broad view of the community. The annual deadline for registration is December.
Leadership Bartlett Alumni Association: Leadership graduates are encouraged to remain involved through the alumni association for many reasons: for the progress of the community, to enrich their lives by giving back, to help others by using the knowledge attained in the Leadership program, to develop personal and career goals, and to support each other and the community as a whole.
Staying Ahead of the Curve Series: Sponsored by First Horizon Bank – Experts speak on pertinent topics that provide cutting-edge information and tips on how to stay ahead of the competition. Presentations are free to Bartlett Chamber members and are usually held early in the morning.
Youth Leadership Bartlett: Modeled after Leadership Bartlett, this program assists high school students in learning more about their community, as well as enhancing their leadership skills, providing ways of dealing with peers, and teaching good decision making.
Advocate for Business: The Chamber is the voice of the business community in local, county, and state issues. The Public Policy Review Council regularly discusses business issues.
Chamber Website: The Chamber website is the primary portal for Bartlett’s business community. The website provides valuable information about Bartlett’s economy, livability and the BACC Membership. Your company listing and direct links to your website are complimentary. Advertising opportunities are available.
Economic Development Initiative: First and foremost the BACC is dedicated to maintaining and growing the economy of Bartlett and Northeast Shelby County. A Strategic Partnership of private & public institutions work together to ensure that the Bartlett area remains a vibrant community in which all its citizens prosper.
Ground Breaking Ceremonies: New construction is something to get excited about and the Bartlett Chamber helps our members promote their new capital investments by creating a festive and memorable experience.
Member Discounts: The Chamber strongly encourages its members to do business with one another and to offer special pricing to those businesses that care about the long-term growth of their community.
Membership Connectivity: Being able to connect with your fellow members is an important piece of being part of a chamber of commerce. In addition to meeting fellow members at many of our regular activities, contact information of current members is available as part of your membership or for a nominal fee, allowing you to develop a database of business prospects.
Ribbon Cuttings: Chamber Board Members, staff and Ambassador Club Members will help celebrate your business opening. One of the most cost-effective advertising methods. Complimentary to new and expanding businesses. Exposure in the Chamber newsletter, Bartlett Express and Bartlett Weekly.
Shelby County Chambers of Commerce Alliance: The suburban area of Shelby County makes up 30% of the County’s population yet is responsible for over 40% of its property tax revenues. It is also a significant contributor in Sales Tax revenues to both the County and State. If viewed as a separate entity, suburban Shelby County would be the State’s third largest city or fifth largest county. The Alliance was formed to create a single voice for the suburban chambers of commerce so that the needs and concerns of its members could be heard more loudly. The Alliance also serves as a collective agent for economic development initiatives in the suburban area.
Tax Deductible: 95% of Membership is deductible as a business expense. The remaining 5% covers lobbying expenses.